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New Vertu Honda manager helps drive support for foodbank

New Vertu Honda manager helps drive support for foodbank

Vertu Honda Newcastle’s new manager is committing to support the City’s most disadvantaged after sponsoring a foodbank throughout the festive period. Chad Ridley, who has been promoted by Vertu to oversee its Newcastle Honda dealership, wasted no time in forging connections with Newcastle’s West End Foodbank.

The new charitable partnership sees the Scotswood Road dealership acting as a donation point for the West End Foodbank with the team also donating their time to transport the much-needed food throughout the busy festive period.

Chad said: “I think it’s important that businesses support local communities wherever possible and I’m proud of the enthusiasm with which my new colleagues have taken on board this partnership.

“Foodbanks are a lifeline for thousands of people across the country and do amazing work, not only in providing food and other essential items, but also through the pastoral services they offer.

“With Christmas approaching, West End Foodbank will be as busy as ever so I hope that our support will help take away some of that strain. With this in mind, we are specifically looking at collecting festive selection boxes so that the children the foodbank supports don’t miss out on Christmas treats. We would welcome anyone who wants to contribute to our collection, our doors are always open and our coffee is always hot!”

Michael Nixon, Manager at Newcastle West End Foodbank said: "Newcastle West End Foodbank are delighted to welcome Vertu Honda to the team. All of the foodbank activities are the result of team work by those who give, move, sort and distribute the five tons of food we handle each week. Without the efforts of all of our partners we could never do what is needed to support the 300 families who come to us in desperation every week."

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